Do you possess a spine-chilling scream that can send shivers down spines and make hair stand on end? Get ready to show it off at Monster Day Greeley on August 12, 2023. This year’s Scream Contest will be hosted by, proudly hosted by Anderson Farms Terror in the Corn. See the official rules below, and feel free to pre-fill out your registration form and bring it to the event.
Monster Day Greeley 2023 Scream Contest Rules:
- Come prepared with your voice ready to scream for your life!
- No costume, clothing, scream, or related participation may include derogatory terms/symbols or hate speech of any kind.
- If you won in a previous year, good for you! Now do it again!
How it works:
- Make your way to the Scream/Costume Contest registration table located across from stage and next to the Terror in the Corn booth
and sign up using proper forms the day of event, and before 3:30pm and get your photo taken. - Entries are LIMITED, sign up early to participate. You will be notified via text approx. 20 min before event, line up if you are chosen.
*Please note that filling out this form does not guarantee a place in the event*
- At 4:00 p.m. you will go to the stage area to line up for the contest if chosen to participate. Watch for text message reminder 20 min prior.
- Monster Day staff will assist as you proceed to the stage where you will need to step up two steps onto the stage. Staff will be able to assist in getting on and off the stage. Then, provide information card to contest caller on stage.
- While on the stage, you can use up to 30 seconds to scream, howl, shriek, screech, shout, bellow, squeal, wail, or holler at the judges. (Parents: You will need to make your way around to the far side of the stage to retrieve your child after they cross the stage.)
- Once all contestants have walked the stage, and after the judges deliberate, winners will be called back to the stage to receive their prizes.
- The decisions of judges are final, and criteria is calculated on their terms, no specific terms will be identified to participants.
*Prizes include surprise creations made by Distortion Unlimited, and bragging rights, of course.
**Photos taken throughout the event may be posted to various social media sites and/or websites.
*** Your presence at Monster Day Greeley and/or participation in the Monster Day Costume contest Greeley allows us to use your likeness for promotional and marketing purposes. Please inform staff of any problems this may present during event sign up.